The 2020 ANG Bass Tournament will be held at beautiful Pickwick Lake, Tennessee. The points of contact for questions regarding the tournament:
MSgt John Rogers
MSgt Jamie Vandergriff
Pickwick Lake - 40 Mississippi Administrative Code Part 4 Rule 3.4
The reciprocal agreement between MS and TN states that the sport fishing licenses of EITHER Tennessee or Mississippi will be recognized in "All that part of the Tennessee River and its embayments and impoundments between Pickwick Dam to Alabama-Mississippi-Tennessee State Line waters west of the main channel of the Tennessee River from south of state border to a North-South Line projected from Eastport on the south side across the Tennessee River including all portions of Indian Creek and that portion of Yellow Creek upstream to U.S. Highway 25 Bridge.
Pickwick Lake - The reciprocal agreement between MS and AL states that the sport fishing licenses of EITHER Alabama or Mississippi will be recognized in "All that part of the Tennessee River and its embayment's and impoundments between the junction of the Tennessee-Alabama-Mississippi line and a north-south line projected across the Tennessee River from the eastern end of the Old Riverton Lock (mile marker 226.6), EXCEPT and exclusive of that part of the Bear Creek embayment lying south of the Southern Railway bridge. (Signed Sept. 1960)
For participants competing from out of state. Purchasing an Alabama license will be the most bang for your buck. You will be able to fish from Pickwick dam to Wilson dam. You will not be able to fish beyond Highway 25 Bridges (1 bridge at state line and the other is entering the Tombigbee waterway) in Yellow Creek without a Mississippi License.
If you enjoy fishing or swimming or boating on the Tennessee Valley reservoir system and you’re in the water near a dam, powerhouse or lock, you need to be aware of some potential hazards, and familiarize yourself with the systems TVA uses to communicate them to you.
Water release schedules often change without notice due to weather and power system requirements. Large amounts of water could be released at any time. Caution is needed. Your safety depends on obeying all posted safety regulations and precautions!
During flood operations, any or all spillway gates across the width of a dam can be opened to release upstream flood water that needs to pass to the next downstream reservoir. Upstream or downstream, even the most experienced boater with the strongest motor is no match for this strong flow of water plunging over a spillway of a dam. Even if you're boating far downstream of a spilling dam, recirculating current can pull a powerful boat upstream toward plunging water that could shred any boat.
To warn reservoir users of potential danger, TVA has installed the following warning devices:
Horns: Horns are sounded before water is released from the powerhouses, sluiceway or spillways. When you hear these horns, leave the areas upstream and downstream of the dam immediately.
Strobe Lights: Strobe lights are activated before the hydro plant begins generating electricity at the powerhouse or releases water through the spillway or sluiceway. When you see these strobe lights flash, leave the areas upstream and downstream of the dam immediately.
Warning Signs: Signs direct visitors to stay clear of hazardous areas and warn of rapidly rising water and sudden spillway and turbine water surges. Take them seriously—obey all warnings!
Electronic Spillway Signs with Strobe Lights and Horns: These warning devices are activated before the hydro plant begins generating electricity at the powerhouse and/or releases water through the spillway or sluiceway. When you see or hear these warnings, move away at once.
U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets are required for each person on board a boat during competition. Life jackets must be worn and strapped, snapped, or zippered securely, and maintained in that condition until the combustion engine is out of gear or shut off. Participants shall check inflatable life vest indicators daily during the Event.
Available for iPhone and Android devices, the free app has now been updated to provide a new, more user-friendly interface and faster processing speeds. This easy-to-use resource for operating on and around reservoirs and dams in the TVA region includes:
Pickwick Lake
Familiarize yourself with the lake and find the JUICE
Pickwick Lake
Pickwick Lake
Make sure to sore mouth all you can!
Pickwick Lake
Pickwick State Park
Pickwick Landing State Park
116 State Park Rd, Counce, TN 38326
(Subject to change pending construction)
Pickwick State Park
Pickwick State Park
Flighted safe light blast off. Weigh-in presented by Midway Marine
Pickwick State Park
Pickwick State Park
Flighted safe light blast off. Weigh-in presented by Midway Marine
Pickwick State Park